I've come across this website: coffeeforpeace.com. Making use of coffee in promoting peace? Wow!
They are "a community of conscientious individuals who are passionate about business-for-profit, addressing social issues that concerns our farmers, our environment, and the peace situation in our land by advocating Fair Trade in the coffee industry."
Coffee for Peace reminds us that peace should be in our consciousness as ordinary (if you’re a coffee drinker like me) as we drink coffee.
So every time you drink coffee, say peace! I hope many coffee shops will promote this advocacy.
"Not's just another coffee. It's JUST coffee"
Umbra Kato is totally out from the MILF. Can his group be another "MILF"? We'll see within a year or two. We should be reminded that MILF was once a breakaway group from the MNLF. If Umbra Kato has the education, ideology, and leadership of Hashim Salamat, he could gather more supporters, otherwise it will slowly fade. Also, one MSU Professor, in a forum few years ago, observed that every time a Moro group lowers its original demand from independence e.g. autonomy, there always emerges a new group (or a faction) demanding for independence.
Congratulations to the success of the OPAPP celebration of Peace Month. It culminates with Rock for Peace. Let's celebrate peace in our hearts daily.
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